Monday, February 6, 2012

Business Marketing: Internet Marketing Tips For Your Business ...

The use of the podcast (an Internet channel used to communicate information) to effectively reach a sector of a business market is being used more and more today. People have decided more every day that they want to be a part of a specialized newscast that gives them information on specific topics that they have interest in. Podcasting is a great way to give information to a specific group of subscribers in the form of video, audio, or PDF files.

A podcast is very similar to a station such as a radio station or TV station. As additional postings of videos or audio, or even written text is added to the podcast channel, the subscriber receives these additional postings when they are posted on an ongoing basis.

In this way these podcasts act as a favorite radio station or TV program series that people are accustomed to have available to themselves so they get the information they desire. If this information is about your business products or services this is all the better for you and your business.

Many business owners say that their podcast subscribers are their best customers. This is because the very best information about the business is put in these subscriptions. The business owner will deliver very personal information in a podcast about their business, and explain and demonstrate exactly what they have to offer to buyers using this podcast method.

1. Establish Podcast Presence

First, you need to set up a podcast channel so that you can broadcast messages to subscribers. There are several forms of software on the market to help you create a podcast channel.

Next, you need to establish podcast directory accounts and these accounts will forward your podcast message throughout their directories to their subscribers thereby building a widening base of potential prospects to your business.

2.Create Podcast Channel

When a podcast channel is created it should be submitted to iTunes and to several authoritative and respected podcast directories.

Of particular note here is the fact that iTunes subscribers are accustomed to buying products and services online, and do so on a regular basis. Their credit card is on file with the iTunes directory so that they can buy something with just a click.

This is good news for you because they are used to buying products and services online. If you have a product or service that can be sold online, you will find that your iTunes podcast subscribers will give you the best conversions to sales of all of your prospects.

There are companies you can find on the Internet that will create podcast channels and submit information to the podcast directories to post information about your business.

3. Submit Postings To Podcast Directories

Now once you have your podcast channel created, it's time to produce your video, or produce your audio presentation, or write your article and submit them to all of the best podcast directories.

And once they are submitted, the information will get to the subscribers in these directories that you want to eventually come to your site, learn more about your business, and buy your products and services.

For further explanation about these tips and to find more ways Internet marketing can make your business or practice grow, see the resource box at the bottom of this article to get more information.

Finally, the internet marketing scene is constantly changing - so what worked in the past may not work well now. To get the most up to date information on the best way to advertise and market your business, see the resource box at the bottom of this article.

Thank You Business Owners,

Brian B Dawson

This article is a part of a series of articles on "Internet Marketing For Your Business" which can be found at Find out how to get your website to convert people who search online to buy from you. Request a business web presence analysis score for your business to see how you rank in relation to your competitors. We have specialized online marketing tools to boost your business web presence ahead of your competitors. When this happens, more people will buy from you! Visit to request this analysis report at no charge to you!


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